How to Choose A Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch?

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

Born in 1945, the Rolex DATE JUST series watch has gone through 77 years of history. This watch series has not only the largest production and sales volume in the Rolex family, but is also the first Rolex watch that many people bought. On the one hand, it contributes more than 60% of Rolex’s sales every year, and it is the real foundation of Rolex’s crown. On the other hand, it is a replica watch with a very wide variety of series. You can find at least more than 200 various datejust replica watches on the official website of Rolex. So today I will talk about how to choose the right datejust watch for you in the vast ocean of datejust watches.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

All Rolex datejust series replica watches are designed with a dense bottom. This design has been kept for the past 40 years. Almost all the Rolex datejust watches are made with two movements – 3135 and 3235. Therefore, choosing a datejust is actually a very superficial process and easy task, that is, deciding by those places that you can see and touch. The first and most important thing is the choice of material, because this directly determines the final budget you have to pay for the purchase of the replica watch.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch
High-end replica watches are absolute luxury, and the price difference between stainless steel and K gold is astonishing. For a gold case, the replica watch is twice as expensive, and for a full gold strap, the watch is twice as expensive. From an affordable point of view, the steel model is enough, after all, the interior is the same. While from the perspective of temperament and collocation, my personal suggestion is to choose the steel model with confidence for the young. And the gold model for the older ones, which reflects the aura of middle-aged people.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

The next thing that needs to be determined is the bezel and strap, after all, this is also the most prominent feature of the replica watch. According to the budget and the thickness of the wrist, I think that for those with thin wrists and for girls, choosing a five-bead chain with a dog tooth ring can definitely bring out the elegant temperament of a log to the extreme. If you buy a datejust because you can’t buy a sports model, then a dog tooth ring and a ring with a plate chain are also acceptable options.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

The thicker the wrist circumference, the better the fit of the chain you choose. There is also a more sparkling and luxurious option, that is, the diamond-encrusted version. The bezel, scale, hour markers, case, lugs can all be inlaid with diamonds, and even on the strap, but that is called the Pearl Lady series.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

The next step is to choose the dial. This step is extremely important. It is not as simple as choosing a color. After all, no one is more ruthless than Rolex when it comes to playing the dial, so before you choose a datejust, it is best to understand it first. How many different dial types are there in Rolex’s datejust series? The basic disks are mainly divided into these categories: radial sun pattern, horizontal stripes, vertical stripes, and the more popular sparkling disks in the past two years and so on.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch
In general, the diversity of the disk surface of the log series is basically made a fuss about the processing technology of the disk surface. Of course, the style of the disk is one aspect, and it is also very important to choose the color of the disk. My personal suggestion for choosing the color of the disk is as follows: if you are a man, choose a conservative color tone, black and blue are right. While if you want to choose some special color such as green, then you may need to put some extra effort to search the replica watch in the market.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch
As for women, you can choose the color of the disk to simply follow your mood, that you can choose any color. Except a coffee-colored disk that has higher requirements for skin tone, this color is commonly known as a chocolate-colored disk.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

Men just need to remember when choosing between gold models: what kind of gold material is used, choose the color of the plate corresponding to this, and you will never go wrong. For example, a 36mm five-bead chain with dog tooth ring and a black plate, without any extra fancy things, this is an old classic steel option that can be worn.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

Women choose the all-steel model. I personally suggest that you can leave part of the budget on the diamond setting on the bezel. For example, this replica watch is set with a circle of diamonds, with a pearl shell dial and diamond-engraved hour markers. Although it is a steel replica watch, it can definitely bring out the style of a gold watch with these things.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

As for the gold models, middle-aged men and above can choose the ones with diamonds and engravings. That’s how gold and diamonds come. And if you are younger and want to buy a gold model, I personally suggest that you can choose a unique plate. For example, this water ripple plate has the temperament of gold and a fashionable design on your hand.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

I personally think that when choosing a women’s replica watch in gold, the choice of the dial color can follow the age. Older women can choose the same gold color as the strap, with gold and diamonds, which is absolutely in place. If you are relatively young, I suggest you choose some bright colors, such as this emerald green paired with gold, which is also fashionable and moving.

Rolex Classic Datejust Replica Watch

Thanks for finishing reading this blog, in the following blogs, we would add some comparisons of replica watches of the same price ans type. We would also like to add share some suggestions of choosing between different replica watches in the same series. Of course, we also welcome you to share your thoughts and suggestions.